Rainbow Commercial Cleaning Services
We are dedicated to you and all of your janitorial services and all of your cleaning needs. We specialized in Auto Dealerships and Offices buildings. We have services in the following areas of: â¢Commercial cleaning and disinfecting of bathrooms, sinks, and entire lavatory facilities â¢Dusting sales racks and displays â¢Floor Buffing â¢Auto bay scrubbing of service drop-off, service bays and body shop floors â¢Office and cubicle cleaning including ⢠phones and exposed surface disinfection â¢We can provide "green" services Rainbow Commercial Cleaning Services (Rainbow CCS) is seeking to make you a happy and a life-long customer. We can provide "green" services with the use of items that are considered none-volatile organic compounds (VOCs). This may also improve indoor air quality within your place of business. This benefits you and your organization, because your employees and visitors have had Earth friendly products used at your location. In turn, there is a good chance that your visitors and employees are happier and healthier. For your employees, this could lead to less absenteeism and their improved productivity. Why Go Greener - Top Five consideration to go Green: Less environmental Impact Safer for people and pets Conservative approach of sustainability for our children and their future Some regular cleaning agents (that are not consider green) can cause sensitivity issues for some people Some regular cleaning agents (that are not consider green) can be harsh on facilities and furnishings. We are in the Tampa Bay Area, and we are here to serve your needs for commercial cleaning.